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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Now Selling on eBay

Our goal is to reach as many people as we can with our products. Due to selling fees and listing costs, we cannot always sell items for the same price everywhere. However we do the best we can with what we have to work with.

We are now selling our creations on eBay (See our Profile)! We are sorry we cannot build custom orders through eBay, but we still can through our website and Etsy!

Thank you all for checking us out!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Time To Repurpose

This is a unique piece. I still cannot quite figure out what it originally was. My best guess was a bar of some sort. No matter. It is now in the stage of repurposing! We are going to make a gorgeous wine bar out of it. Stay tuned for more pictures on it's progress!